Three Williams Café, Redfern
It has been quiet for a while here on MCS, but not without reason. Your intrepid and dedicated coffee critics have been on a round-the-world tasting journey, involving daredevil dogs, VHS tapes, boats, and rides on the backs of trucks.
This voyage culminated in that reviled city, Sydney, so deeply misunderstood by its Melbourne-based detractors. But then, we can’t blame those hapless Victorians for not knowing where to find good coffee in the capital of New South Wales, because all their brainpower clearly is being spent on the question of where to find shelter from the next impending hailstorm.
Nevertheless you, intelligent and discerning reader, aren’t interested in reading about dogs or the weather, you’re here for the coffee-lowdown.
If there’s one café you make a point of visiting, visit Three Williams. The insufferably hip post-techno was not at all overpoweringly loud, and the espresso they gave us.. amazing! Full-bodied, etc. I could continue putting adjectives here, but it was all the right things. (Drink the blend, though. Their single origin was fine, apricotty, but as usual not really my thing)
It turns out they use Single O coffee, of which the only thing negative I can point out is their name. The infuriating thing is that I remember having it at some other café in the past, but I cannot remember which one. It’s not one of those listed on their site.
Melburnians might presume to know for a fact that Sydney is brash, coarse and devoid of coffee culture, but Three Williams quietly serves up stereotype-defying coffee that does not suck.