
This site began out as a bit of a tongue-in-cheek new year’s resolution: start a blog. Partly it’s to give me something of an outlet for my continual ranting (my colleagues and friends know about this all too well) about coffee, and perhaps other things that come up.

Also it’s to try and put my money where my mouth is: I’m a staunch supporter of the independent, libre, open internet. A thriving one where individuals publish weird, new, interesting, bad, excellent, or insightful things, perhaps like in my rosy memory of the old days. In an age where everything happens locked away in sanitised and samey walled-garden megacorp-owned social platforms, I long for a more DIY and free approach to things. However, until now I hadn’t really done much to achieve that. Consider this my foray into doing my little bit of weird on the internet.

As for the coffee, well, I’m really no coffee connoisseur – I don’t know my Yirgacheffes from my unwasheds, but I know what I enjoy, namely a more traditional Italian-style espresso – oily terracotta crema, dark roasted, reasonably bitter, but well-balanced. You can find that in Melbourne – I’m occasionally very pleasantly surprised – but it’s more like a constant barrage of faddish fourth-wave fruity sour slaps-in-the-faces or the occasional burnt-beyond-recognition Parisian-style watery looooooong blacks, punctuated by the rare and therefore all-the-more-precious occasional wow-moment. I’ll be ranting about the former, and pointing you to the latter.

Full disclosure: I drink espressos, and I don’t really have an opinion on milk-based drinks. Not soy, not oat, not cow, just espresso.

Go in peace!